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Internet Video & Video Slide Show Marketing

YouTube is the 2nd Largest Search Engine in the US.

Internet Video Marketing is a factor in Search Engine Marketing

Having an internet video is the most effective way to drive traffic to your website and bring in new business.   A quality website with SEO will get you to rank in the search results, but if you want to dominate your market, you will need to have engaging media that is consistent with your company brand.

Why do internet videos bring in far more customers who are ready to buy?  The answer is simple.  With an internet video, you already start building a relationship with the customer.  Even if you don't personally appear in the video, your customer will get a more in-depth look at your values, product or service.  It's as if they walked around your store for a while before speaking to you directly!

In October 2009 comScore conducted a study showing that, YouTube passed Yahoo in total U.S. search queries, making it the 2nd largest search engine in the U.S. Ever since then, YouTube has continued to dominate the search space when you look at the total number of search queries.

Internet videos are showing up in Google Video and in Google's organic search, and can be optimized to reach prospective customers when they are searching. Now you can have your own online commercials optimized to target your market.

Our expert team consults with you while producing the video.  We combine your industry knowledge with our technical expertise to produce a super-charged lead generation tool that will pay for itself many times over!